
Delicious El Salvador. Salvadoran recipes passed down for generations
I'm Alicia Maher, author & publisher of Delicious El Salvador & El Salvador, Sabores Deliciosos! Born & raised in El Salvador
I'm Alicia Maher, author & publisher of Delicious El Salvador & El Salvador, Sabores Deliciosos! Born & raised in El Salvador
I was thrilled when I got an email from The New York Times reporter Cristina Morales. She was seeking an authentic Salvadoran dish for an article to be published in New York Times Cooking . The theme for the recipe was the Día de Los Muertos celebration. After some back and forth on what it would be, we settled on a very unique dessert, Ayote en Miel. This is a classic Salvadoran sweet dessert. The test kitchen at The New York Times cooked it and approved the recipe for publication. Thank you so much Christina and The New York Times for embracing the culinary heritage of El Salvador. Buen Provecho.
In Delicious El Salvador: 75 Authentic Recipes For Traditional Salvadoran Cooking, Alicia Maher shares the secrets to authentic Salvadoran food. From iconic dishes like pupusas, quesadilla, Christmas turkey and torrejas, to everyday dishes like meat stew, chicken soup, shrimps with garlic, rice, re-fried beans, pork chops with onions, green beans and eggs, summer squash in a cream sauce, vanilla custard… your family and friends will love these dishes. With 224 pages and over 90 photos, full color and high resolution, featuring each dish and some of the country side. Most photos were shot on location, in San Salvador. Delicious El Salvador fills a cultural void for the millions of Salvadorans living in the U.S.A. Delicious El Salvador Cookbook. Recipes for pupusas and more...
There is something for every cook, family member, and guest in this book. With great joy, Alicia makes these recipes accessible to all, while maintaining the authenticity of the delicious Salvadoran culinary experience. El Salvador food is all about soups with lots of vegetables, meats stews with vegetables and herbs, fruits drinks, seafood, desserts like mango in almíbar… These ingredients are easily available at most major supermarkets and local Latin markets. Just the basics are needed to create these yummy dishes, a teaspoon, tablespoon, a standard 8 ounce cup or a measuring cup, and some basic pots and pans.
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Delicious El Salvador by Alicia Maher
El pavo salvadoreño en Telemundo 52 Los Angeles! Es un honor y privilegio representar la cocina tradicional salvadoreña.
Es muy importante que las siguientes generaciones de salvadoreños se sientan orgullosos de su herencia cultural. Yo siento la responsabilidad de plasmar y documentar la gran cocina tradicional salvadoreña.
Como palmear pupusas. Lo mas importante cuando se esta aprendiendo a palmear pupusas o tortillas es divertirse, y no se preocupen que salgan perfectas, eso viene con la practica.
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